
cotton seed 棉子。

cotton shirting

Usage : this machine is suitable for the extraction of vegetable oils from such oil - bearing materials as rape seed , peanuts , sesame seed , cotton seed , soya beans , coconuts , tea seed , sunflower seed , etc . gingeli , apeseed , castor - oil plant , earthnut , soja , etc . oil extractor 該榨油機生產的油油質純正,味道清香,出油率高達被榨油料含油量的98 % 。榨油機操作簡便簡單易學,使用安全可靠,投資回報率高,榨油機是農民理想的致富經營項目。

In the 1920s and 1930s , the measures which were taken by the government , such as cotton seeds “ improved , the establishment of cotton cooperation organization and the anti - cotton adulterate institute , offered great help to develop the cotton industry 政府在二、三十年代對棉花品種的引進與改良、河南棉花運銷合作社的成立及河南棉花攙水攙雜取締所的質量監管對河南棉花的順利發展提供了保障。

The author pins his hope on the research referring to vertical coordinative relation , which can provide the method basis for development of cotton seed industry that should meet the requirement from development of socialist market economy 進行棉種產業縱向協調關系研究,為建立適應社會主義市場經濟體制要求的棉種產業體系提供理論依據,從而提高我國棉種產業發展水平,增強國際市場競爭力。

Does not have any other supplementary materials including cotton seed shell , fertilizer , hormone and chemical additive and so on , therefore the lingzhi and the spore powder heavy metal content is extremely low , is lower than national standard 5 - 9 time ,無任何其他輔料包括棉籽殼肥料激素和添加劑等,所以靈芝及孢子粉重金屬含量極低,低于國家標準5 - 9倍

He went to buy some cotton seeds to make an offering to the first master . “ master , will you please accept my humble gift and bestow some protection and blessing on me in return 他回去后就趕快去買棉花的種子,拿去供養另外那位師父:請求師父接受這個小小心意,然后保護我給我一點福報等等。

Using cotton seed oil and palm oil , we make the mixed oil which have lower melting point . this kind of mixed oil can replace soybean oil for frying 摘要選用一級棉籽油和棕櫚油為原料,制成熔點較低的調和油,經實驗證明,可以代替大豆油,用于普通煎炸操作。

Cotton seed is the foundation for cotton production , and its industry development is very related to the development of cotton production and textile industry 棉種是棉花生產的基礎,其產業發展水平高低與棉花生產以及紡織業的發展息息相關。

Current status and development strategy for hybrid cotton seed multiplication industry in huimin county 惠民縣棉花雜交制種產業發展現狀與對策

Study on the relation between chilling resistance and low - temperature - induced proteins in cotton seeding 棉苗抗冷性與低溫誘導蛋白關系的研究

Study on the strategies of large scale development of pest - resistant transgenic cotton seeds 轉基因抗蟲棉種子產業化發展的對策研究

Cotton seed cleaner 棉籽清選機

Cold pressed cotton seeds 冷榨棉籽

The cotton seed is softened or burst for removal during bleaching 經過洗滌之后,棉種會變得柔軟或者爆開而容易除去。

Present situation and developing trend of the cotton seed metering device 傾斜外槽輪上排種式排種器的設計

Key to cotton seed quality test 棉花種子質量檢測關鍵技術

The current status and prospect of cotton seed industrialization in china 我國棉種產業化現狀及展望

Plant quarantine rules for producing areas of stock superior cotton seed 棉花原良種產地檢疫規程

Speed sprout method of fresh cotton seed 新棉花種子快速發芽方法

Identification of cotton seeds and discussion of the methods 棉花種子的品種鑒定及方法探討